Luve Consignment is an online consignment store, providing luxury authentic designer bags, shoes, accessories & clothing

We strongly believe in the ‘capsule wardrobe’, and aim to provide you with items that will never date at an affordable price. All of our items are 100% authentic and are expertly checked before we list them for sale. Our commission rates for selling are competitive. If you are interested in selling via us, please send us a message at We do not accept returns/exchanges unless an item is proven not to be authentic. Only then will we issue a refund.

Selling with luve consignment

We sell items on your behalf through our platforms for a small commission fee of between 10-35%. The quickest way to get a quote is to send us over images of your product and full description. We have a fast selling record for our items.

Buying with luve consignment

You can rest assured that all items you purchase on our website are 100% authentic. All items are checked thoroughly before we list for sale. We DO NOT accept returns like other resale platforms. All items are listed in true condition. Please read descriptions and look at pictures carefully.

We can also source wanted/hard to get items.


All items up to the value of £2500 will be sent via Royal Mail Special Delivery service, fully insured. For items over £2500, please contact us to arrange a fully insured courier service.